2014 Annual Conference Call for Proposals

The National Collegiate Honors Council is currently accepting proposals for the following session types. To learn more about a particular session type, or to actually begin a submission, click on that session type. All proposals must be submitted on-line no later than 11:59 PM Central Standard Time, Friday, May 30, 2014 unless otherwise noted.

For faculty proposals:

  1. Please remember your institution or organization must be a current member of NCHC before submitting a proposal.
  2. If more than one presenter is included in a proposal submission; all presenters must be from current NCHC member institutions.
  3. All presenters must register and pay conference registration fees by the early deadline or the proposal will be withdrawn.
  4. The Institutional contact at your institution or organization will be notified of your proposal acceptance.

For student proposals NCHC will independently contact the honors director/dean to verify that:

  1. the student's institution is a current member of NCHC;
  2. the student is in good standing in the local honors program;
  3. the student will attend the conference if this proposal is selected for inclusion in the conference program;
  4. institutional support will be provided for registration, transportation, and any reasonable costs to attend the conference.

NOTE: Only NCHC members are allowed to submit proposals.

When asked to identify the persons who will actually perform or present what you propose, you will be required to select each person's institutional affiliation from a list of NCHC's institutional members. If you discover that an institution is missing from that list, please contact NCHC by email or phone (402-472-9150) regarding membership.


    New Submissions Closed