Teaching and Learning Friday, November 8, 2013: 3:45 PM-4:35 PM

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Bayside B)

164 I Stand on the Shoulders of... My Old Fart Prof
Paul Siegel, University of Hartford
To help build rapport between honors students and instructor, they were asked, as a low-stake homework assignment, to produce a paper and PPT presentation updating and critiquing a 30-year-old article by their teacher on the subject matter of their seminar(Privacy Law).

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Bayside C)

165 Scotland: Kickstarting College
Mariah MacKenzie, Arcadia University; Elizabeth Lewis, Arcadia University
This presentation will explore the advantages and disadvantages of Arcadia University's First Year Study Abroad Experience program. Additionally it will compare the educational systems of the United States and Scotland and discuss the transition back into life at Arcadia's Glenside campus.