Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Bayside A)
Suzannah Miller, Minot State University
Fracking—hydraulic fracturing—is a technological breakthrough that is unlocking vast sources of natural gas by forcing open fractures in deep shale formations. But the frenzy of gas production may be harming another natural resource—groundwater. Is the fracking process contaminating our water sources with toxic chemicals and explosive gases?
Aimee Denham, Angelo State University
Direct negative effects of long-term use of genetically modified crops were carefully analyzed in several selected studies to determine possible complications associated with the abiotic and biotic environment. The study determined that genetically modified crops are an ecologically and economically superior alternative to current agricultural business practices.
Caitlin Lezell, Suffolk University;
Cori Simmons, Suffolk University
This quantitative analysis examines the effects of differentiated types of foreign aid on a nation's development through a comparison of formalized government foreign aid to that of non-governmental organizations. The economic growth of forty-five lower-middle and low-income recipient countries is evaluated by economic growth indicators over the past thirty years.