Roundtable Discussion Saturday, November 9, 2013: 2:30 PM-3:20 PM

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Estherwood)

272 Inventing an Honors Liberal Arts Seminar
Brooke Crutchfield, Oklahoma City University; Christina Wolf, Oklahoma City University; Brooke Hessler, Oklahoma City University; Kyle Wallace, Oklahoma City University; London Long-Wheeler, Oklahoma City University; Selena Gilliam, Oklahoma City University
Through a combination of archaeology, intentional whimsy, archival research, and mobile app-making, we learned to see the world around us differently—and how to train future honors students to cultivate their own ingenuity. Our roundtable includes the profs and students who piloted this course, eager to discuss what experiential liberal learning can look like.

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Gallier A)

271 Honors Coursework Substitutes in Conflict with Honors Education
Marjean Purinton, Texas Tech University; Sarah Timmons, Texas Tech University; Janet Veal, Texas Tech University
This roundtable discussion will be facilitated by Texas Tech University and will address the conflicts and challenges of coursework substitutes in honors education. Are coursework substitutes such as contracting, course-work waiver activities, and experiential learning activities compromising the integrity of honors pedagogy and learning even as they enable students to complete their required honors hours? We will explore issues associated with honors coursework substitutes for students, for substitute facilitators, for course schedulers, and for faculty mentors.