Roundtable Discussion Saturday, November 9, 2013: 9:30 AM-10:20 AM

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Estherwood)

179 Commonalities and Differences between Student and Professional Science Journals
Kate Bruce, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Chapin Cavender, University of Alabama Birmingham; Miranda Collier, University of Alabama Birmingham; Miranda Cook, Appalachian State University; John Korstad, Oral Roberts University; Mike Sloane, University of Alabama Birmingham
Undergraduate research journals allow students to disseminate original work and improve their scientific writing. This session will consist of faculty and undergraduates involved in professional and student science publications. We will discuss common and differential aspects of the two formats with regard to aspects of the review and publication procedures.

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Gallier A)

181 "Status, Access, Power, and Stuff": The Relevance of Game Theory to Honors Programs
Bri Mason, Southern Polytechnic State University; Iraj Omidvar, Southern Polytechnic State University; Jeffery Orr, Southern Polytechnic State University; Joshua Skelton, Southern Polytechnic State University
Student and faculty facilitators will briefly introduce elements of game theory and pose questions to the audience on its usefulness to analyzing the values that guide honors programs, directors, and students.

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Gallier B)

180 Donate Me: an Expose into the Ethical and Legal Issues of Child Organ Donations
Joann Fong, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Shejuti Paul, University of Alabama at Birmingham
America faces a drastic organ shortage, especially for children. Our presentation focuses on the ethical, medical, and legal issues in using child donors, and addresses the bright-line between a child's autonomy and the parents' medical responsibilities. Additionally, we will discuss the novels: Never Let Me Go and My Sister's Keeper

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Oakley)

182 Top Merit Undergraduate Scholarship Program Directors' Roundtable
Katherine O'Connor, East Carolina University
Are you the director or administrator of your university's top merit undergraduate scholarship program? Join us for a roundtable discussion about strategies and challenges of leading a scholars program within an honors college, honors program or university. Be prepared to share issues, solutions and successes!