Roundtable Discussion Friday, November 8, 2013: 11:00 AM-11:50 AM

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Estherwood)

120 Unsweeping Things from under the Rug: Mental Illness and Substance Abuse in Honors Communities
Marni Bayles, University of Central Arkansas; Doug Corbitt, University of Central Arkansas; Phil Frana, James Madison University; Adam Frank, University of Central Arkansas; Kirby Richardson, University of Central Arkansas; Patricia Smith, University of Central Arkansas
This roundtable discussion is intended to offer faculty, staff, and student perspectives on the way in which honors communities – and their home institutions – deal with instances of mental illness and substance abuse.

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Gallier A)

119 Honors Event Programming
Austin Theis, Lock Haven University
Planning programs for college students can be a great opportunity, but these programs can often become a costly endeavor. This session will discuss several different ways to spend little or no money, but still have many great programs to offer your universities' honors students.

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Gallier B)

136 Color Wheel of Time
Swarndeep Gill, California University of Pennsylvania; Kevin Hager, California University of Pennsylvania; Elizabeth Moon, California University of Pennsylvania; Alicia Wadsworth, California University of Pennsylvania
A unique honors course allows students to learn the history of the measurement and understanding of time. Our system of timekeeping is a human construction not based in the natural world. Students then create a new system based on a study of time across cultures and psychological perceptions of time.

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Oakley)

117 Ain't Nobody Got Time For That -- Honors and STEM majors
Elizabeth Allgood, University of West Florida; Thapelo Ncube, University of West Florida
This presentation will discuss STEM majors in honors programs and how these students adapt their degrees to fit honors requirements. We also will talk about the problems surrounding low involvement of STEM students and how to increase the number of these students in honors.