Roundtable Discussion Friday, November 8, 2013: 10:00 AM-10:50 AM

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Estherwood)

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Gallier A)

104 Unmasking Our Identities within the Honors Tableau: Identity Negotiation and the Honors Curriculum
Mitchell Furtner, Southern Polytechnic State University; Kenneth Gagne, Southern Polytechnic State University; Nancy Reichert, Southern Polytechnic State University; Meredith Shaddix, Southern Polytechnic State University
Our honors program asks those involved to negotiate their honors identity with their individual and social identities within a curriculum that is discussion-based. We explore how we juggle identities and what each may reveal. We discuss whether discarding our veils and masks allows us to change the honors tableau itself.

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Gallier B)

287 Being Honorable: The role of ethics in the Honors College experience
Timothy Nichols, South Dakota State University
What is/could/should be the role of ethics in honors? Approaches for integrating ethics in an honors college will be highlighted; participants will be encouraged to share their perspectives and experiences. Common college student ethical dilemmas will be explored, as will best practices for developing ethical (honorable) student leaders.

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel (Oakley)

102 Political Engagement and College Students: Is Higher Education Doing Enough?
Jacqueline Smith-Mason, Virginia Commonwealth University
Despite an increase in voter participation among college students in recent presidential elections, students are often removed from the political realm. By exploring this topic, we can identify the ways that students are politically engaged on our campuses and where there is room for improvement.