Revitalizing an Honors Program at a Two Year College: Handling the Challenges of a Multi-Campus Institution

Saturday, November 9, 2013: 9:30 AM - 10:20 AM
Borgne (Sheraton New Orleans Hotel)
Rebecca Hayes , Northern VA Comm College
Stacy Rice , Northern Virginia Community College
Creating and implementing an honors program is a challenge regardless of your campus size. However, sustaining an honors program at a multi-campus institution comes with an even different set of obstacles. Northern Virginia Community College is a multi-campus college (6 campuses) with over 75,000 students. Over the past few years, the college named a College Honors Coordinator to take the existing program and rebuild, making the honors program consistent across all campuses. Currently, we are in the midst of implementing new ideas in regards to scholarships, study abroad opportunities, and curriculum while at the same time trying to grow our program at every campus. We would like to share our ideas and struggles, offer advice,and gain insight from other colleges.